Asian Hornet, Beware of danger!
Every year in France, several people die following Asian hornet stings. Arriving in France around 2004, by liner, these insects have proliferated over the years and invaded our green spaces. Less known than wasps or bees, they are nevertheless present over most of the territory and constitute aharmful and invasive species.
Asian hornets are "very dangerous", in fact, unlikewaspsor European hornets, they will attack as soon as the human approaches the nest in order to defend their territory.
Regarding the sting, it is not the dose of venom in a single sting that will be fatal, but "it is the number of stings that can kill a person or cause an allergic reaction."
How to differentiate an Asian hornet from a European hornet?
First of all by its size, "the Asian hornet is located between the wasp and the European hornet. The European hornet is the largest insect." But also in its color, the Asian hornet is "blacker, with an orange stripe on the tip of the abdomen and a small triangle also on the head.
Don't take risks
This insect originally from China has now colonized the entire country. Aggressive with bees, it theoretically does not attack humans... unless it feels threatened. So don't approach it: its bites are painful and dangerous for people with allergies.
The Asian hornet is recognizable by its yellow legs and its dark body, decorated with a wide band and orange borders. Smaller than a European hornet (1.7 to 3.2 cm), it is feared because it causes enormous damage in orchards and apiaries. In town, 80% of its diet consists of bees which it decapitates when they return loaded with nectar.
Vespa Velutina (its scientific name) also attacks butterflies, flies, dragonflies and spiders. He does not particularly seek contact with Man. But if you rush him inadvertently or approach its nest, he can become formidable.
An invasive species
Arriving in the southwest of France in 2004 in containers of pottery imported from China, this exotic hornet acclimatized well to its new habitat and thrived quickly.
Result: it is now established throughout the country and is beginning to invade Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Germany and England. The Paris region is not spared. According to
Perched high in trees or attics, they are not easy to dislodge. Don't intervene yourself. At less than four or five meters away, you could panic the hornets and expose yourself to their stings. Better to contact a professional or your town hall. Many municipalities take charge of destroying nests.
Beware of Asian hornet stings!
A priori not very offensive, the Asian hornet takes out its stinger when disturbed. And unlike the bee, it can sting several times in a row, even through rubber boots! The pain is quite violent. The first thing to do is to get rid of anything that can hinder blood circulation (belt, jewelry, watch, etc.) and extract the stinger - without breaking it - using tweezers. Next, use a venom pump to reduce the dose of poison injected, then disinfect the sting.
To minimize pain and limit swelling,
Symptoms to take seriously
If the reaction is only local (redness, swelling,
or convulsions occur, call 18 or go to the Emergency Department!
A sudden drop in blood pressure or an exacerbated life-threatening anaphylactic reaction is to be feared in people who have suffered numerous stings or in individuals allergic to hymenoptera venoms (the family of insects to which the hornet belongs). An adrenaline injection must be given quickly.