Remove the nests of processionary caterpillars in the Eastern Pyrenees? Attention danger !
Compared to otherspredators, the caterpillar is only slightly dangerous for the tree which will generally only reduce its growth rings, on the other hand it is a source of problems for humans and probably various animals.
In fact, these caterpillars, like those of some other species of lepidoptera, have (in this species only in the third larval stage, a month and a half after hatching) on the dorsal surface a “stinging apparatus” composed of “microhairs” which are thrown into the air when the caterpillar feels threatened.
This device is made up of small pockets sometimes called “mirrors” which contain a very large number of tiny poisonous darts (microhairs); their strongly stinging nature is due to the fact that the hair when breaking in the body releases a toxin
Don't take risks
Here is a summary of all the possible strategies to ecologically regulate this insect in your home.
Why remove processionary caterpillar nests?
The danger is also significant for pets: a dog with tongue damage (which it may have used to lick the itching on its body) if it is not treated quickly with large doses of
, then risks
of the language. He will therefore no longer be able to feed himself. It is important to rinse the dog's tongue and mouth with clean water, without rubbing, which would break the caterpillar's stinging hairs and thus release more
, worsening the animal's condition.
Radikal 3D involves more than 120 interventions per year during weeding periods.
This is also more than 1000 ml of ecopiege installed throughout the region.